My first weblog

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dimanche 22 janvier 2006

[ad] looking for a co-blogger

Does anyone would like to blog with me ?

I will have to open a new blog for several reasons :
- my blog engine, Dotclear, is spammed with commercial comments.
- I would like the new blog to be 100 % in English (user and reader interface), powered by Wordpress.
- most important reason : time. I don't have enough time to post everyday serious notes as long as I would like
(though I spend time everyday reading RSS feeds and trying to imagine interesting subjects to blog about from them).

If you are interested and :
- you would like to blog about International Relations, intelligence, defence industry, proliferation or any subject related

(civilian aircrafts, energy, politics... etc etc) from open sources only;
- you can write in English and have time to blog (around 15 minutes or more each day you want to blog but you could blog just twice a week. This, just from your computer);

- you don't have to be familiar neither with blogging in general nor Wordpress in particular.

I will install the new blog on a new domain name chosen in concert. Then I could explain a bit of HTML to start blogging;
- it's free : you won't pay and won't be paid. There is no obligation at all except writing pieces of text from time to time.
The worst thing that could happen to you is being read.

Just let me know by email. Thanks.

The new website will open from the end of February. You have time to think about it.

Of course, if I open a new blog, it will be 100 % independant, managed by motivated amateurs only and not related to the institution where I am doing an internship.
I will continue to keep the 2 spheres separated.

samedi 8 octobre 2005

Remerciements - Thanks

A tous seigneurs, tout honneurs, qu'il me soit permis de remercier ceux sans qui ce blog n'existerait pas :
- François alias phnk
- Pierre alias plam et surtout son forum
Que leurs noms soient sanctifiés et que leur volonté soit faite
Juste un bravo à eux et longue vie à leur sites.

vendredi 7 octobre 2005


Ceci est le premier billet de mon blog (contraction de web log) ou journal.
Après une première tentative d'installation de Dotclear, me revoilà dans un nouveau registre (au sens propre).
Je reviendrai dans un prochain billet sur les raisons qui m'ont poussé à ouvrir mon blog.
Bienvenue à bord, welcome on board ladies and gentleman. Ready for take off. The crew wish you a pleasant journey.

Une caricature pour illustrer l'esprit futur de ce blog :