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mercredi 21 décembre 2005

Thérèse Delpech et son don d'ubiquité (2)

Suite à cette note (presque prémonitoire), sur le dernier livre de Thérèse Delpech, encore une apparition de sa part dans les médias :

Aujourd'hui sur France Culture dans Les Matins émission réécoutable en ligne avec Real Player en cliquant simplement sur le lien suivant :

Sans pouvoir entrer dans les détails, son écoute est très instructive, dans le même registre que le ton (superbe et pessimiste) du livre.
Certains passages mériteraient même d'être interprêtés car l'on peut lire entre les lignes mais malheureusement je ne peux le faire, faute de temps...

dimanche 18 décembre 2005

Sondage sur le directeur de notre (grande) école

Suite à ce post sur le forum officieux des étudiants de Sciences Po Paris, un petit sondage pour les étudiants de Sciences Po

mardi 6 décembre 2005

From Russia with dove

Russia might appear as a dove from the outside but one should not be fooled, she is a hawk.
Thanks to Bruno I have just discovered some evidences to reassure wake me up.

Rosoboronexport State Corporation, the principal Russian arms exporter has some very interesting toys to sell : from T-90 tanks to sol-air missiles (S-300, SA-16 Igla), including jet-fighters (the Mig-29 Fulcrum), helicopters, Gepard class frigates...

To advertise them, Rosoboronexport has made some very interesting commercial videos that can all be viewed or downloaded on

The shots (both literally and figuratively) are impressive, the soundtrack dramatic enough but always kitsch (Mission Impossible theme) and last but not least all the scenes are real and not computer generated !

More seriously, one can see on this one that Russia still sees and depicts the USA as an enemy for her and her clients (China, North Korea, Iran...): the hostile aircraft is a carrier-base and Boeing made F/A-18 Hornet !

One can also discover how the Tor-M1 / SA-15 air defense system (Sol-Air Missile and radar) operates for real on this video.
I mention that because
Russian and Iranian officials had signed contracts in November worth $700 million that would send 29 Tor-M1 missile systems to Iran in the next two years.
according to corroborating sources

There are some Rosoboronexport images galleries as well that can be found on the different files of this root but I have not examined yet.

In the meantime, if you know other libraries of military images and videos, dont hesitate to let me know. Thanks.